Getting Started - Ed-Fi ODS / API Licensing
Getting Started - Ed-Fi ODS / API Licensing
- Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Owned by Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Jun 10, 2019
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Licensing Ed-Fi Technology
You'll need an Ed-Fi technology license to get started with the Ed-Fi ODS / API. Licensing the Ed-Fi ODS / API is free, and can be done online.
Simply review the license agreement, and start the submission process using the online licensing form available on Ed-Fi.org.
After Licensing
A license provides developers with access to the GitHub repository where the ODS / API source code and database files are hosted. Licensees also have access to the Ed-Fi Tracker, a JIRA-based project tracking system that provides visibility into upcoming features, the status of bug-fixes, and a way to provide feedback on ODS / API technology.
See the article How-To: Access Ed-Fi Source Code and Issue Tracking Systems to get started.