This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


Configuration Details

The Ed-Fi ODS / API is configurable in a number of ways. Since the source code is available to licensees, one could argue that everything is configurable – but what we’re discussing in this section are things like settings and options that do not require a change to the compiled code.

Key configuration points include:

  • OAuth endpoints
  • OAuth key retrieval site location
  • Instance type information (e.g., Sandbox, Shared Instance)
  • Bulk upload director
  • Key retrieval maximum tries
  • Token timeout value

Detail about the configurations can be found in the tables below.

Required Configuration Settings

Some configuration must be done for every ODS / API platform instance. Examples of required configurations include database connection strings, SMTP server locations, and similar.

To make it easier for developers to install and run the Ed-Fi ODS / API, the default download from source control is pre-configured with values appropriate for a developer or single-server test instance of the system. 

ApplicationLocationSetting NameValueDescription

Example: http://site-address:port/oauth

Points to the root of the authorization API in the Ed-Fi ODS website.
Web.configKeyRetrievalSiteExample: http://site-address:port/Points to the Key Retrieval tool application. The link in the e-mail body uses this address as the root address of the Key Retrieval Tool site.
EdFi.Ods.WebApiWeb.configowin:appStartupSandbox, SharedInstance, etc.The component settings for the API. See the Developers' Guide for more information on this setting.
EdFi.Ods.WebApiWeb.configBulkOperationWorkingFolderExample: c:\tempA temporary storage area used to assemble bulk upload data.
EdFi.Ods.WebApiWeb.configDescriptorNamespacePrefixExample: http://www.ed-fi.orgThe default namespace for creating and finding descriptors if none is supplied.
EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUIWeb.configswagger.webApiMetadataUrlExample: http://site-address:port/metadata/{section}/api-docsThe location of the swagger metadata in the Ed-Fi ODS API
EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUIWeb.configswagger.adminUrlExample: http://site-address:port/oauth/Points to the root of the authorization API in the Ed-Fi ODS website.

A deployment to a staging or production instance is usually more involved, and requires additional configuration. Required configurations for a production instance can be found in the Deployment section of this documentation.

Optional Configuration Settings

Although this list of settings is not exhaustive, other important and useful optional configuration values include:

ApplicationLocationSetting NameValueDescription
Key Retrieval Web AppWeb.configMaxChallengeRetriesDefault Value: 3This is the number of tries a vendor is allowed to enter the correct activation code to retrieve the key and secret.
EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUIWeb.configswagger.webApiExample: http://site-address:port/api/v2.1The top level location of the main Ed-Fi ODS APIs


A list of users to automatically create during security database initialization if CreateTestUsers is set to true.
EdFi.Ods.Admin.WebWeb.configCreateTestUsersfalseTrue to create test users during security database initialization.
EdFi.Ods.WebApiWeb.configQueueAutoCreateExample: 1Whether or not a message queue should be created if it is not found. For Azure or Active Directory queues, this should be 0.
EdFi.Ods.WebApiWeb.configBearerTokenTimeoutMinutesExample: 30The amount of time an inactive token remains valid.