MetaEd IDE (ATOM) - Use Existing Project

MetaEd IDE (ATOM) - Use Existing Project

This page refers to the ATOM-based IDE, which was replaced with Visual Studio Code in March, 2023.  You can find the current version of MetaED IDE using VS Code here: MetaEd IDE User Guide

Using an Existing Extension Project

The MetaEd IDE makes it easy for implementers to open existing Ed-Fi extension projects. The steps can be summarized as follows:

Detail on each step follows.

Step 1. Open Existing Extension Project

In the MetaEd menu, click Open Existing Extension Project.

Step 2. Find the Folder for the Extension Project

Navigate to the existing extension project folder and click Select Folder.

Step 3. Extension Project Opened

The extension project appears in the tree view below the core model.

Step 4. Review Project Files

Expand the project sub-folders to review the extension files, make any needed changes, and save.

Step 5. Build

Once the project is complete, select MetaEdBuild to generate artifacts.

IDE User Guide Contents

Read more about how to use the MetaEd IDE:

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