MetaEd IDE (ATOM) - Updating package.json

MetaEd IDE (ATOM) - Updating package.json

This page refers to the ATOM-based IDE, which was replaced with Visual Studio Code in March, 2023.  You can find the current version of MetaED IDE using VS Code here: MetaEd IDE User Guide

Generating the package.json File

The package.json file allows users to provide a custom Project Name and Project Version for their extension project. This file is required to run a successful build or deployment of an extension project.

Step 1. Create a New Extension Project

When a new extension project is created in MetaEd IDE, a package.json file is automatically generated.

Step 2. Customize

Provide the appropriate projectName and projectVersion. The projectName

  • must start with an uppercase alphabetic character
  • must have at least two alphabetic characters
  • should avoid special characters, as they will likely be stripped out for downstream artifacts

For example, "Project-Two" will be transformed to a "projecttwo" database schema by the SQL plugin.


Note that for extension projects built against Data Standard v2.0, the projectName must be "Extension", as shown in the default file. The projectName may only be customized for v3.0 and later versions.

IDE User Guide Contents

Read more about how to use the MetaEd IDE:

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