Documentation Conventions

Documentation Conventions

The table below describes conventions used throughout this documentation.

Bold TealMetaEd keyword.
<label> ::= The definition of a block of syntax. The name for the syntax is contained in angled brackets and may be used in other syntax block definitions to indicate where the syntax can be used.
+Indicates the preceding syntax block is required and can be repeated. The equivalent of (1..*) cardinality.
Indicates the preceding syntax block is optional and can be repeated. The equivalent of (0..*) cardinality.
| (vertical bar or pipe) Separates items contained within square brackets or curly braces. Only one of the items may be used.
{ } (curly braces)Indicates a choice of required syntax items. One and only one of the contained items must be selected.
[ ] (square brackets)Indicates optional syntax items.
italicUser-supplied values. 

Language Specification Contents

Read more about the MetaEd Language Specification: