Migration Utility – End of Support Notice and Product Discontinuation

Migration Utility – End of Support Notice and Product Discontinuation


The Alliance intends to stop providing support for Migration Utility on March 31st, 2023 and there will be no new migration support or enhancements to this product from March 31, 2022 onwards. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Migration Utility?

The Migration Utility is a command-line tool built to upgrade the schema of an ODS instance to the latest version. The utility provides out-of-the-box support for migrating an as-shipped ODS to the latest version. See Migration Utility.

What is changing specifically?

What Changes?What Doesn't Change?

There will be no additional releases of the Migration Utility supporting newer versions of the ODS  beyond Ed-Fi ODS / API v5.3. 

Ed-Fi community members can continue to use Migration Utility for existing version upgrades.

After EOL date, tracker tickets on migration utility will not be investigated or addressed.

Ed-Fi licensees will continue to have full access to source code.

The Alliance starts allocating additional resources and budgets towards working on providing simple SQL migration scripts for non breaking changes for upgrades during the school year. Major version upgrades will not have full migration support and are expected to be taken by the education agency at the beginning of the school year. 

All existing documentation on TechDocs will be retained.

Why is this change being made?

Migration Utility was built to support upgrading a ODS deployed for multi-year use to newer versions. Migration utility is being retired following the recent recommendation to use the ODS for single year data collection (see Guidance on Multi-Year Data in ODS). Migration is less of concern when using ODS for single year data collection, as a new ODS (or ODS database) is created at the beginning of every school year.   

What are other alternatives?

As noted above, The Alliance will be providing standalone SQL migration scripts for minor releases to facilitate upgrades during the school year. Apart from that various off the shelf productions -- like SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Schema Compare, RedGate SQL Compare, or others -- can be used for generating ODS upgrade scripts.  

I have a question that is not answered above.

Please contact the Alliance; see How To: Get Technical Help or Provide Feedback