MSP SIG - Meeting 15 - 2023-10-23 (at Ed-Fi Summit)

MSP SIG - Meeting 15 - 2023-10-23 (at Ed-Fi Summit)


  1. Marcom support for MSP growth
  2. Combined meeting with Data Providers 


Assessing MSP Marketing Needs - Summit.pdf


MSP Marketing Support

  • Big goal should be google search should return "Ed-Fi certified vendors" or "Ed-Fi badged vendors" and get the registry in the first 3 results
  • "Demo Days" for MSPs to demo their product offering after boot camps.  If everyone has a chance then helps confirm that everyone means well and working together to deliver Ed-Fi
  • Helping the community understand the value proposition - while awareness has increased, there is still confusion

MSP - Data Providers

There were a few take-aways/suggestions for improvement.

  • Drive SEAs to integrate systems-of-record rather than default to the SIS. States are asking vendors to account for all district data, rather than just SIS data. We could address that by asking agencies to drive other vendor systems to connect via API rather than layer these responsibilities on the SIS as a "state reporting appliance." Transportation was cited as an example.
    • Size of these smaller systems can be a problem - they may not have the capacity to do API-based submissions.
    • State agencies could use their RFP power to  help drive this changes.
    • Ed-Fi Alliance could raise awareness of this in our SEA Playbook and other materials
  • Create early opportunity for vendors to be involved in SEA data specifications. Involve vendors in a pilot phase where they can provide feedback on data specifications before those specifications are finalized. Vendors are involved AFTER this process is complete, and vendors are in many ways the most aware of what specifications look like across the states and can advise on better data models 
  • Offer more support for data mapping - improvements at this stage generate the most benefits for data providers/vendors
  • Access to SIS sandboxes would be a great benefit to MSPs as they do their work.
    • Do SIS vendors have developer programs and such to be able to provide these?
    • Sandboxes would need to be populated with sample data.