Student Program Evaluation Domain- Entities, References, and Descriptors

Student Program Evaluation Domain- Entities, References, and Descriptors

Entities, Extended References, and Descriptors


Student Program Evaluation Model Entities

ProgramEvaluationThis entity represents an evaluation instrument applied to evaluate a student in the context of a program. Student evaluations are typically applied by a staff member based upon a rubric."
EvaluationRubricDimensionThis entity describes the cells of a rubric, consisting of a qualitative decription, definition, or exemplar with the associated rubric evaluation level
ProgramEvaluationElementThis entity represents lowest level elements or criterion of a students's performance that is being evaluated, typically by a rubric
ProgramEvaluationObjectiveThis entity represents a subcomponent of a ProgramEvaluation, a specific student objective or domain of performance that is being evaluated

Extended References

ProgramThe program associated with the student program evaluation
StudentThe student being evaluated on behalf of the program
EducationOrganizationA reference to the education organization that evaluated the student, which may be different from the education organization associated with the program
StaffReference to the staff that evaluated the student

Student Program Evaluation Domain Descriptors

ProgramEvaluationProgramEvaluationTypeThe type of program evaluation conducted
ProgramEvaluationPeriodThe name of the period for the program evaluation
StudentProgramEvaluationRatingLevelThe summary rating level achieved based upon the rating or scoreĀ 