Summary of Changes for Ed-Fi API Guidelines, Version 4.0

Summary of Changes for Ed-Fi API Guidelines, Version 4.0


This document describes a set of proposed changes to replace the Ed-Fi API Design & Implementation Guidelines v3.1.

The Ed-Fi API Design & Implementation Guidelines (herein after referred to as the "Guidelines") describe requirements for an Ed-Fi representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API). The Guidelines describe the properties to which an API specification and related implementation must adhere in order to be considered aligned to Ed-Fi technology standards. They do not describe a specific implementation technology.

These changes are intended to ensure the establishment of API standards that can be relied upon when building or using an Ed-Fi compliant API, allowing client applications to interoperate with any Ed-Fi API with minimal friction.

The changes are summarized below.

Document Wide Changes

Any references to a specific implementation of an Ed-Fi API or to an Ed-Fi REST API have been replaced with "an Ed-Fi API" or "Ed-Fi compatible API".

The document has been significantly restructured to present a new user experience. The changes of substance are noted separately below. The new outline is:

  • Scope

  • Key Characteristics

  • Requirement Levels

  • API Design Guidelines

    • Resources

    • Discovery API

    • Ed-Fi Descriptors

    • REST API Conventions

      • Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

      • Data Strictness

      • POST Requests

      • GET Requests

      • PUT Requests

      • DELETE Requests

  • API Implementation Guidelines

    • Handling Authentication and Authorization

    • Handling Non-Repudiation

    • Handling Optimistic Concurrency with ETags

    • Handling Web Cache Validation with ETags

Summary of Modifications

  • Discovery APIarchived: new section

  • Data Strictnessarchived: new section

  • Ed-Fi Descriptorsarchived

    • NEW: requires implementation of the Descriptor API and explains the expected schema.

  • REST API Conventionsarchived: The sections under "REST API Conventions" are new and/or replace existing sections.

    • The former "ETags" and "Response Codes" contents are in this section, along with additional high-level API semantics and norms such as HTTP status codes and error response.

  • The former "General Request Construction" section is now Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)archived . It clarifies expectations for the URL's used in Ed-Fi API applications, separating out what is convention in the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform from what is required of any Ed-Fi API application.

  • Former "HTTP Verbs" section expanded out specific sections for each verb (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE). The rewritten content points out specific details of how today's Ed-Fi API clients and servers expect to interact with HTTP requests to an Ed-Fi API.

    • Former "Query Operators" section has moved into "GET Requests".

    • The "GET Requests" section removes the concept of selectors, relaxes the requirement to have OFFSET/LIMIT paging and opens the possibility of alternate paging mechanisms, and adds a proposal for sorting results.

    • Deprecation of link metadata in GET responses.

  • The Data Strictnessarchived content provides new details on schema validation and data type handling, based on experience with the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform.

  • Changed all usage of "UUID" to the more generic "unique identifier" or "identifier", so that the implementation is free to use any scheme, not just a UUID, as the identifier for a specific resource.

  • Remove notes on encryption, which is an operational concern rather than a design topic.

  • Added content describing Validation of Natural and Foreign Keysarchived .

Deleted Sections

Ed-Fi API applications are intended for use by systems, not end users. Therefore the following pages have been removed:

  • User Authorization

  • User Claims

  • User Roles

  • External User Authorization

  • Internal User Authorization

The Bulk Operations section has also been removed, as it was a feature of a particular application, and not a prescribed part of the Ed-Fi API Standards.