Handling Authentication and Authorization

Handling Authentication and Authorization

Because security is an ongoing concern and best security practices are continually evolving, an Ed-Fi REST API implementation should not preclude any future security enhancements. Implementations should reflect the current best practices where they affect the actual API structure or use. Additional layers of security may be employed on top of those identified here.

In order to secure a data repository, the repository must know who is requesting an operation, and what the requestor is allowed to do. The question of who is known as authentication; the what is authorization.


The process of authentication provides the means of reliably identifying applications and users to an Ed-Fi REST API implementation. Both applications and users require authentication in order to maintain secure data. The OAuth 2 framework is used by an Ed-Fi REST API for authentication. This specification is broad enough to handle both private and public identity providers. An identity provider issues identification information for all providers desiring interaction with the system. An authentication module verifies a security token as an alternative to explicitly authenticating the user.

Both application authentication and user authentication should be used. When applications do not have user authentication associated with API calls, the API must allow application-only authentication. When user credentials are available, the API must require both application and user credentials. These situations are described below.

System Applications

Some classes of applications do not naturally operate in the context of a user; they do not have user authentication associated with API calls. Examples of this type of application include: bulk load and extract tools, enterprise-wide SISs, and some classes of reporting tools. In these cases, extreme discretion should be used when considering eliminating user authentication from the security framework for these implementation scenarios.

In these cases it becomes necessary for the API to allow application-only authentication or, preferably, to operate as a "system" user with global privileges.


Authorization is a set of mechanisms for identifying what operations can be performed, and upon which resources. Due to privacy concerns and FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) regulations, it is critical that an Ed-Fi REST API implementation correctly authorizes all resource requests.

The principle of least privilege should be used for an Ed-Fi REST API implementation. Least privilege means that default application and user permissions are no privileges and that all privileges be explicitly granted.

Privileges for applications and users should be assigned out-of-band to an Ed-Fi REST API.

Application Authorization

Applications perform actions against data based on user directives. It is important to consider what actions are appropriate in relation to specific data. In some cases, it may not be appropriate for an application to act within a specific resource domain. For example, an application that only records attendance should not have authorization to access assessment information. In the same way, it may not be appropriate for an application to be authorized to act within all resource domains. For example, a SIS package used only at one school should not be authorized to work with resources at other schools.

Application credentials should be assigned out-of-band for each resource group and (if necessary) each organization appropriate to the application within an Ed-Fi REST API.

Client Applications

For three-legged OAuth scenarios, each request should be authorized based on claims-based security (see below) and Ed-Fi domain data to identify the students for which they have responsibility. For example, superintendents would be granted access to student data for all students in their districts, principals would be granted access to all students in their schools, and teachers would be granted access only to students enrolled in their sections.

Authentication and Authorization Permutations

Authorization presupposes authentication. In the figure below, the empty boxes represent impossible security models. The lightest boxes (on the upper left) are less secure combinations and should not be used. The medium boxes are security models requiring that applications be certified for their intended purposes and should be used only with extreme caution. The darkest box (on the lower right) represents the recommended Ed-Fi REST API Authorization and Authentication model in which both the user and application are authenticated and authorized within the implementation.

Figure 2. Permutations of Authentication and Authorization