Assessment Collection

Assessment Collection


The assessment collection was built help answer the question: 

Are students improving in [content area e.g. reading, math, science] over time [timeframe e.g. within a school year, over three years, over last year]?  

The views are intended to simplify presenting interoperable multiple measures assessment data.  The views also provide reference to the associated learning standards, scoring, and performance levels.  These metrics can be viewed across summative, interim, or other benchmark assessments.

Views in this Collection

The assessment collection comprises two Fact tables focused on assessments. 

The first fact table is called AssessmentFact and this view combines the granularity of the assessment found in the assessment and objective assessment table as well as the assessment's association with learning standards.  Finally, the AssessmentFact table has denormalized summary information related to descriptions and reporting methods.

The second fact table is called StudentAssessmentFact and this fact table summarizes the students' results of each assessment.  The fact table consolidates each student's reporting results and associates that information in a similar structure as AssessmentFact.  


Install using the option code "ASMT"

.\EdFi.AnalyticsMiddleTier.Console.exe -c "..." -o ASMT

For more information, see the AMT Deployment Guide.

Example Queries

Scale Scores for 6th Grade Assessments
     ReportingMethod = 'Scale Score'
AND AssessedGradeLevel = 'Sixth grade'
List of Overall Assessments (no granular breakdown into objective assessments)
     asmt_AssessmentFact.ParentObjectiveAssessmentKey is null