How to Use the Student Dimensions
Stephen Fuqua
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
There are two dimensions in the Core View Collection that provide lists of students: StudentSchoolDim View and StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim View. These dimension provide student names and a few key demographic values with cardinality of one (e.g., student recorded with a single "sex"). For demographic information with cardinality "many" (e.g., student record with multiple tribal affiliations or multiple languages), the Core Collection provides a DemographicsDim
and two bridge views that link the student dimensions to the demographic dimension: StudentSchoolDemographicsBridge View and StudentLocalEducationAgencyDemo. This article illustrates the relationships between these views and demonstrates realistic usage scenarios.
Design Note
Why are there two similar views (StudentSchoolDim View and StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim View), instead of a single StudentDim
- We wanted to include demographic / enrollment information directly in the Student dimension.
- In the Ed-Fi Data Standard v3.x, demographic information can be recorded either on the school relationship or the local education agency (LEA) relationship.
- To create a single view, we would have to coalesce the data, choosing either the school or LEA information as the primary information.
- Which one is primary? It depends on the implementation.
→ Combining into a single view would oversimplify the necessary complexity in the Ed-Fi ODS database and lead to incorrect results in some implementations.
In short, we decided that it's better to be transparent than to disguise this challenging point.
The sample queries and results below are based on the Glendale sample database. For more information, see Testing With Sample Data. The article provides a few simple examples of what can be done with the views, but not all facets are explored.
Data Model
School Enrollment
"Lander Middle School" has school key 628530001. The following query shows us that there are 320 students enrolled at the school:
select count(1) from analytics.StudentSchoolDim where schoolkey = 628530001
Because the Analytics Middle Tier is not a temporal solution, there is no way to ask the question "How many students were enrolled yesterday?" The views are returning data student-school data for right now.
The Analytics Middle Tier could be useful for building a temporal solution — a true data warehouse. One would need to create an ETL process running every day: query the StudentSchoolDim
, add a calculated column calling GETDATE()
, and insert the result into a new table on another database.
Local Education Agency Enrollment
Lander Middle School's LocalEducationAgencyKey is 628530, Lander ISD. Another simple query gives us the current enrollment in this school district:
select count(1) from analytics.StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim where StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey = 628530
The answer is: 320. Apparently Lander ISD only has a middle school, as confirmed by the script below:
select * from analytics.SchoolDim where LocalEducationAgencyKey = 628530
Now let's find a better example: What is the enrollment for each school in a district? This time we'll use the Glendale ISD local education agency, with key 867530:
select LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyName, SchoolDim.SchoolName, count(1) as Enrollment from analytics.LocalEducationAgencyDim inner join analytics.SchoolDim inner join analytics.StudentSchoolDim on SchoolDim.SchoolKey = StudentSchoolDim.SchoolKey on LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey = SchoolDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey where LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey = 867530 group by LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyName, SchoolDim.SchoolName
This same query without Analytics Middle Tier is not much longer, only requiring one more table join. The foreign keys only require a single column, so they are difficult to get wrong — unlike the complex natural keys on so many other tables.
select edOrgLea.NameOfInstitution as LocalEducationAgencyName, edOrgSchool.NameOfInstitution as SchoolName, count(1) as Enrollment from edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation inner join edfi.School on StudentSchoolAssociation.SchoolId = School.SchoolId inner join edfi.EducationOrganization edOrgSchool on School.SchoolId = edOrgSchool.EducationOrganizationId inner join edfi.EducationOrganization edOrgLea on School.LocalEducationAgencyId = edOrgLea.EducationOrganizationId where edOrgLea.EducationOrganizationId = 867530 group by edOrgLea.NameOfInstitution, edOrgSchool.NameOfInstitution
How do we access student demographics, for example, around language use? The following query gives the count of students by language and school, using the Analytics Middle Tier.
SELECT SchoolDim.SchoolName AS 'School name', DemographicDim.DemographicLabel AS 'Language', COUNT(1) AS 'Number of students' FROM analytics.StudentSchoolDim INNER JOIN analytics.StudentSchoolDemographicsBridge ON StudentSchoolDim.StudentSchoolKey = StudentSchoolDemographicsBridge.StudentSchoolKey INNER JOIN analytics.DemographicDim ON StudentSchoolDemographicsBridge.DemographicKey = DemographicDim.DemographicKey INNER JOIN analytics.SchoolDim ON StudentSchoolDim.SchoolKey = SchoolDim.SchoolKey WHERE DemographicDim.DemographicParentKey = 'Language' GROUP BY SchoolDim.SchoolName, DemographicDim.DemographicLabel
We can write a similar query without Analytics Middle Tier and it does not require much more effort. However, that query is different between Data Standard v2.2 and Data Standard v3.x, because the old edfi.StudentLanguage
table is now StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationLanguage
. This one query on Analytics Middle Tier is now portable across Ed-Fi ODS / API versions since v2.3, without requiring a rewrite.
This same query provides other demographics simply by replacing the word "Language" in the where clause with another demographic key, for example, "TribalAffiliation". You can find all available demographic keys with this query:
select distinct DemographicParentKey from analytics.DemographicDim /* DemographicParentKey --------------------- CohortYear Disability DisabilityDesignation Language LanguageUse Race StudentCharacteristic TribalAffiliation */
Local Education Agency
As discussed in the overview of this article, demographics in Data Standard v3.x can be stored either with the student's relationship to the school, or the relationship with the local education agency. The above query can be rewritten for district-level information:
SELECT LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyName, DemographicDim.DemographicLabel AS 'Language', COUNT(1) AS 'Number of students' FROM analytics.StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim INNER JOIN analytics.StudentLocalEducationAgencyDemographicsBridge ON StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim.StudentLocalEducationAgencyKey = StudentLocalEducationAgencyDemographicsBridge.StudentLocalEducationAgencyKey INNER JOIN analytics.DemographicDim ON StudentLocalEducationAgencyDemographicsBridge.DemographicKey = DemographicDim.DemographicKey INNER JOIN analytics.LocalEducationAgencyDim ON StudentLocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey = LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyKey WHERE DemographicDim.DemographicParentKey = 'Language' GROUP BY LocalEducationAgencyDim.LocalEducationAgencyName, DemographicDim.DemographicLabel
The query is nearly identical, requiring only two changes:
For Data Standard v2.2, the two queries should return the same counts because all of the demographics are stored on the school relationship.
But, in Data Standard v3.x, the two queries can produce very different results. Which set of results is appropriate for any given use case depends on how the Student Information System is storing demographic data in the Ed-Fi ODS / API. Data analysts will need to evaluate the results carefully before deciding which data set is the most appropriate for any particular question being explored in the data.