Non-Ed-Fi Alliance Certifications
Non-Ed-Fi Alliance Certifications
- Eric Jansson
- Stephen Fuqua
- Sean Casey
Owned by Eric Jansson
The page provides information about and links to Ed-Fi-related certifications that are not managed by the Ed-Fi Alliance.
The following certification programs are managed by organizations outside the Ed-Fi Alliance. The programs, certifications, and other information on those pages is not necessarily endorsed by the Alliance and is not the result of a collaboration with the Alliance. Certifications or other marks provided by these other programs are not considered equivalents of or substitutes for a similar Ed-Fi Alliance certification.
State Education Agencies (SEAs):
Arizona Department of Education
- Program details: https://www.azed.gov/information-technology/azeds/developers
Indiana Department of Education
- Program details: https://www.in.gov/doe/it/link-initiative/data-exchange/
Minnesota Department of Education
- Program details: https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/datasub/edfi/
Nebraska Department of Education
- Program details: https://www.education.ne.gov/dataservices/adviser-resources/
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Program details: https://dpi.wi.gov/wisedata/ed-fi-integration
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) / Collaboratives:
Michigan Data Hub (MIDataHub)
- Program details and integration requirements: https://www.midatahub.org/support/vendor-resources/