What's New
- Jason Hoekstra
- Suganya Rajendran
This section provides an overview of what's new in the latest versions of the Admin API.
Updates in Admin API v2.2.1 (Latest Release)
ADMINAPI-706 Admin API is not displaying key/secret pairs for multiple instances of an application for one vendor
ADMINAPI-950 SPIKE: Update documentation for Admin API limits and offsets
ADMINAPI-68 Fix OnRelease Workflow to Delete Previous PreRelease *Tags* as well as GH Releases (2.x)
ADMINAPI-321 Admin API allows duplicate Applications
ADMINAPI-978 Admin API 500 error when attempting to register when registration is turned off
ADMINAPI-999 The property 'ProductionApiUrl' cannot be found on this object
ADMINAPI-1010 AdminApi v2.2.0 Authorized button does not generate token with valid credentials (v7.2 testing)
ADMINAPI-1014 CLONE - Admin API not logging authorization errors do a mistaken configuration
ADMINAPI-1019 CLONE - AdminApi 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 fail importing claimsets with auth strategy overrides
ADMINAPI-1022 CLONE - AdminApi 2.2.0 fails to access some claimsets
ADMINAPI-1023 CLONE - Admin Api 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 Unable to create applications with big int ids.
ADMINAPI-1024 Vendor delete issue in AdminAPI 2.x
ADMINAPI-1031 Include E2E tests to validate orderBy and direction
ADMINAPI-1039 Fix Paginate and OrderBy
ADMINAPI-1040 Remove v1 from swagger definition and Admin API
ADMINAPI-1042 Fix e2e tests for order by and filter on multitenant mode
ADMINAPI-1016 Load Admin API specifications
ADMINAPI-1028 Admin API to implement sorting and filtering on endpoints with "descendingSorting" to "direction"
ADMINAPI-1036 Resolve high and critical flags in Code Scanning for Admin API 2.3 release
ADMINAPI-1043 Resolve high and critical flags in Code Scanning for Admin API 2.3 for Github
ADMINAPI-1045 Migration Guide
ADMINAPI-1011 2.x MSSQL Deployment in Docker Scenarios
ADMINAPI-1013 CLONE - Rename Ed-Fi ODS Admin App claimset
ADMINAPI-1032 As a user I can create ods instances without instance type.
ADMINAPI-1033 Test Admin API 2.2.1
ADMINAPI-1034 Release Admin API 2.2.1
ADMINAPI-1035 Use SQL Server Express for Admin API Docker testing for MS SQL db
ADMINAPI-1044 We need to create more e2e tests to cover scenarios where the offset and limit are not required.
ADMINAPI-745 Create a how-to for Admin API v2 --- ex: OdsInstance and Profile Management via API
ADMINAPI-951 Admin API to implement sorting and filtering on endpoints
ADMINAPI-1020 CLONE - I would like better documentation for the 2.x AdminApi endpoints (found working TEA ticket)
ADMINAPI-1021 CLONE - AdminApi 2x documentation should provide better instruction on how to build Authentication:SigningKey
ADMINAPI-1029 Issue on AdminApi 2.x documentation
ADMINAPI-1030 Fixes on Swagger to MD
ADMINAPI-1038 Make offset and limit collections optional and set to their defaults when not provided
Updates in Admin API v2.2
Please see the direct source code updates to Admin API v2.2 on GitHub here.
.NET 8 Upgrade
Admin API 2.2 includes a technology upgrade from .NET 6 to .NET 8 for long-term support. ADMINAPI-983 - Getting issue details... STATUS
An error is thrown in the response instead of a warning message when registration is disabled
A better response message is now shown to the application end registration is disabled. ADMINAPI-755 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Change Docker check to see if PostgreSQL is ready
A field recommendation was implemented to improve checking if PostgreSQL is ready or not. ADMINAPI-982 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Using Authority Setting for JWT Issuer (Admin API 2)
An update has been made to change the JWT token Admin API uses. ADMINAPI-1006 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Swagger UI - Fix issue with displaying recursive type
A data type issue has been resolved in the Swagger definition metadata for testing. ADMINAPI-32 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Dockerfile improvements and documentation
Updates to Dockerfile for better library reference and new README.md for the Docker repository. ADMINAPI-989 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updated GitHub Actions and build steps
Admin API 2.2 build steps have been updates. ADMINAPI-977 - Getting issue details... STATUS
C# Improvements
SonarLint has been integrated for better code quality in Admin API. ADMINAPI-1004 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updates in Admin API v2.1
ODS/API 7.1 Support
Admin API 2.1 supports ODS / API 7.1.
Multi-tenancy Updates
Admin API 2.1 now has multi-tenancy support for managing ODS / API 7 tenants in at-scale configurations. ADMINAPI-339 - Getting issue details... STATUS
API Best Practice Updates
From a review of API best practices and the Admin API product, the following updates have been made for session expiration, password complexity and rate limiting to provide additional options to control access and suit local implementation policy. ADMINAPI-765 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Admin API POST application makes new incorrect rows in dbo.users table
A field reported issue has been and updated within Admin API 2.1. ADMINAPI-959 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Use GitHub Action from Docker Scout to analyze docker images
Docker Scout has been enabled for our Docker images for better awareness of alerts at the image level. ADMINAPI-776 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updates in Admin API v2.0
ODS/API 7.0 Single-Line Product Support
Admin API 2.0 only supports ODS / API 7.0. In Admin API 1.x, we continue to support ODS/API 3.4 through 6.1. ADMINAPI-315 - Getting issue details... STATUS
ODS / API 7.x Multi-Instance Support
ODS / API 7.0 is a major platform upgrade with many features driven from various field scans reviews and forums. This led to a major design and platform upgrade, please see Multi-Tenancy, Deployment Modes, Routing for more details into the ODS / API 7 upgrades. ODS/API 7 contains new database tables for ODS instance management, such as the OdsInstances, OdsInstanceDerivatives and OdsInstanceContexts tables, which Admin API 2.0 provides endpoints to manage metadata for these instances. Admin API 2.0 does not create or delete physical instances, only the information for active ODS / API 7.0 instances within an Ed-Fi environment. ADMINAPI-101 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Claimset Enhancements for API-based Handling
Admin API 2.0 has new API endpoints to allow for a workflow-based setup of claimset management for an ODS / API 7 instance. The JSON large-format functionality has been moved to new /import
and /export
API endpoints to support backup and migrate operations with claimset metadata.
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Dynamic Profile Support
ODS / API 7 brings a new feature for management of dynamic profiles, relying on the database instead of source code required updates in prior ODS / API lines. Admin API 2.0 allows for the updates via API new /profile
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Changing Ed Org Id Leaves a Record Behind
A bug was discovered where changing an education organization identifier leaves behind additional data affecting ed org hierarches and data access. The Admin API 2.0.1 update resolves the issue for this use case. ADMINAPI-767 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updates in Admin API v1.4
.NET 8 Upgrade for Admin API 1
Admin API 1.4 has been updated to .NET 8 for performance, security and other updates. ADMINAPI-91 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Swagger UI - Fix issue with displaying recursive type
Swagger UI is not displaying the proper type description (with properties) on recursive types. On the screen shot below - the children are collection of "ResourceClaim" type. But it is showing array of string. ADMINAPI-32 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Dockerfile improvements and documentation
Various updates for better Dockerfile usage and documentation, including improving security by running the application as a non-root user. ADMINAPI-989 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updates in Admin API v1.3
Refactor Admin API for Clean Separation
Admin API 1.3 has been refactored for more separation from Admin App, which was originally the development base for Admin API. ADMINAPI-91 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Return Vendor and Profile IDs in /applications Endpoints
A field report requested that vendor and profile IDs should be returned as part of the /applications endpoint, which has now been included in Admin API 1.3.
ADMINAPI-311 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Update System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
Due to a recommendation from Microsoft, we have updated the data access library to use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of System.Data.SqlClient. ADMINAPI-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Disable Shell Debug Messages in Docker
A field report requested to repress logging of certain elements in Docker configurations. ADMINAPI-86 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Changing Ed Org Id Leaves a Record Behind
A bug was discovered where changing an education organization identifier leaves behind additional data affecting ed org hierarches and data access. The Admin API 1.3.1 update resolves the issue for this use case. ADMINAPI-767 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Other Updates
Other technical product updates, such as consolidating namespaces and library renaming, have also been included in this update. Please see the Admin API 1.3 release report for full details.
Bug Fixes in Admin API 1.3.2
- Expand EdOrgs to return as an array instead of single value ADMINAPI-705 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Claimset endpoint inconsistencies, fix to enable ODS/API v6 updates ADMINAPI-743 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- When the number of nulls sent in 'authStrategyOverridesForCRUD' is not the same as in 'ResourceClaims' the application throws an error but the ClaimSets is created anyway ADMINAPI-747 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Refactor ODS Security version resolver implementation ADMINAPI-766 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- ReadChanges action not returned in AdminAPI 1.3.1 for ODS/API 5.3-cqe ADMINAPI-777 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Admin API 1.3.2 - Admin API POST application makes new incorrect rows in dbo.users table ADMINAPI-949 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- AdminApi - docker scout vulnerability list ADMINAPI-962 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Using53Cqe=true does not return auth strategy overrides for that action ADMINAPI-963 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Updates in Admin API v1.2
Multiple Security Model / ODS Version Support
The ODS/API Platform has two different security models in versions 3.4-5.3 and 6.0-6.1. This version of Admin API supports both versions of that security model with the same operation endpoints for management via API (ODS/API v3.4-5.3 and v6.0-v6.1 and future versions may be supported).
Updates in Admin API v1.1
Claim Sets
Admin API v1.1 provides support to importing and exporting claim sets via API. Admin API is available as both a standalone installation under IIS and as a Docker deployment. Admin API v1.1 supports ODS/API v3.4 to v5.3.
Updates in Admin API v1.0
Initial Release
This is the initial release of Admin API v1.0. It provides functionality to create vendors, applications, and credentials within an Ed-Fi ODS / API Platform instance. Admin API is available as both a standalone installation under IIS and as a Docker deployment.