The following shows the tables and fields from the Ed-Fi ODS v5.3, which comes with EPDM-Core, that were used to build the visualizations above to answers questions related to Educator Preparation Program Persistence and Diversity.

We have created a Google Sheets workbook for mapping data specifically for the Diversity and Persistence Starter Kit, which can be found here

FieldsEPDM DescriptionEPDM DataTypeOther Comment
Candidate - All fields required
CandidateIdentifierA unique identifier for each candidate record.String (60)Identifiers can be determined by SI if they don't already exist
FirstNameCandidate first name.String (75)
LastNameCandidate last name.String (75)
SexA person's gender.DesciptorDataType (enumeration)Female, Male, Non-Binary, Not Selected
BirthDateThe month, day, and year on which an individual was born.Date
PersonRelates the candidate to a generic person.Person referenceIf institution uses a person ID system, will use that info, otherwise created by SI
RaceThe general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races.DescriptorDataType (enumeration)American Indian - Alaska Native, Asian, Black - African American, Choose Not to Respond, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander, Other, White
Credential - All fields required
CredentialIdentifierA unique identifier assigned to each record in the Credential Extension table.String (60)
CredentialFieldThe field of certification for the certificate (e.g., Mathematics, Music).DesciptorDataType (enumeration)See DescriptorValues tab for possible values
IssuanceDateThe month, day, and year on which an active credential was issued to an individual.Date
CredentialTypeAn indication of the category of credential an individual holds.DesciptorDataType (enumeration)See DescriptorValues tab for possible values
GradeLevelThe grade level(s) certified for teaching.DesciptorDataType (enumeration) collectionSee DescriptorValues tab for possible values
StateAbbreviationThe abbreviation for the name of the state (within the United States) or extra-state jurisdiction in which a license/credential was issued.DesciptorDataType (enumeration)Standard two character abreviation for State of issueance - See DescriptorValues tab for possible values
TeachingCredentialAn indication of the category of a legal document giving authorization to perform teaching assignment services.DesciptorDataType (enumeration)
NamespaceNamespace for the Credential.String (255)string of the form 'uri:://' will be determined by SI
PersonThe person who obtained and is holding the credential.Person referencecreated by SI
EducatorPreparationProgram - All fields required
EducationOrganizationRelates the program to an EducationOrganization.EducationOrganization referenceeducation organizations will be created by SI
ProgramNameThe name of the Educator Preparation Program.String (255)
ProgramTypeThe type of program.DesciptorDataType (enumeration)

See DescriptorValues tab for possible values

CandidateEducatorPreparationProgramAssociation - All fields required
CandidateCandidate for the association.Candidate reference
EducatorPreparationProgramThe Program associated to the Candidate.EducatorPreparationProgram reference
BeginDateThe begin date for the association.Date
ReasonExitedThe reason the candidate exited the program. 
For determining program completion for the starter kit, the descriptor value must be set to 'Completed'
CohortYear.SchoolYearThe value for the school year for the cohortenumerationfour-digit year
CohortYear.CohortYearTypeThe type of the cohort yearDescriptorDataType (enumeration)
CohortYear.TermThe term for the cohortDescriptorDataType (enumeration)
FinancialAid - All fields required
BeginDateThe date the aid took effectDate

The classification of financial aid awarded to a person for the academic term/year.

DescriptorDataType (enumeration)
StudentStudent for the associationStudent referenceA student entity must be created to use financial aid, in most cases the student identifier will be the candidate identifier. If you are using a SI, this will be handled by the SI