Generally speaking, a unique ID system ensures that a person has only one unique ID for an organization even if the person is represented in multiple roles, such as an individual who is both a staff member and parent at a school.
Many organizations have an existing implementation of a unique ID system. The Ed-Fi ODS / API does not replace an organization’s unique ID system. Instead, it provides clear extension points for platform developers to integrate with their existing system, while also providing clients with a standardized API for integrating identity management into their applications.
The Ed-Fi ODS / API provides two points of integration with unique ID systems. The first integration point provides a means for the API to validate the unique ID values being supplied by clients, and the second is an optional set of endpoints for clients to create and retrieve unique IDs for person records including students, staff, and parents.
The Ed-Fi ODS / API ships without unique ID validation. In the as-shipped distribution, its identity management endpoints are configured to return a 501 - Not Implemented
response. Integration development work is required to connect to an enterprise unique ID system. This documentation contains conceptual and how-to material about connecting to an existing unique ID system.
When planning an API implementation, platform hosts must select an approach that best serves their enterprise's needs: an integrated unique ID system model (shortened to "integrated model," below), or a non-integrated unique ID system model ("non-integrated," below).
Within the integrated model, there are two facets: unique ID validation and identity management. Minimally, support for validation is expected. Optionally, the platform host may also choose to support the identity management endpoints.
This model is suitable when an external system, often a commercial product, is the authoritative source for unique IDs and can be wired into the ODS / API. In this model, an external unique ID system always defines the unique ID for students, staff, and parent entities and clients are expected to pass valid unique IDs to the ODS / API.
Distinguishing characteristics of this model include:
endpoint to search identities and create new unique IDs as necessary.This model can support fully integrated unique ID management, but it does make some assumptions about the system flow. An outline of an expected system flow follows.
When the ODS / API platform supports an integrated model with identity management for establishing a unique ID, client applications will need some process for looking up that unique ID value. This section provides a system flow that most clients will follow to look up a unique ID through the Ed-Fi ODS / API.
The unique ID for a person can be obtained from the /identities
endpoints in the Ed-Fi ODS / API. The workflow for clients to create and obtain IDs are described below. For the purposes of this example, the workflow will focus on the use case of creating a new student record, but the same general flow applies to staff and parent records.
It is assumed that once a unique ID is obtained by a client, it will be stored in client applications as a way to easily sync data between the client and platform from that point forward.
A description of each step follows.
with the first name, last name, sex, and date of birth./identities
if the user indicates an appropriate match does not already exist.Now that a unique ID has been obtained, it can be used by clients when referring to that student.
When a client application creates a student record, the client won't be able to retrieve or update that student until it has established a relationship with that student. That relationship is created by adding an entry to the studentSchoolAssociations resource under an LEA to which the client application has access. Similarly, when a client application creates a staff record, the client won't be able to retrieve or update that staff record until it adds an entry to the staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations or staffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociations resources under an LEA to which the client application has access. |
This model is suitable when platform hosts choose not to wire in or link to an external unique ID system. In this model, platform hosts provide guidance to clients on how to acquire or assign a unique ID out of band. A common approach is to instruct clients to acquire a unique ID from an enterprise system and subsequently pass that value to the ODS / API when creating new person entities.
Distinguishing characteristics of this model include:
This model requires no system integration work from a platform host, but it relies on specific guidance being provided to client application developers.
The above models are fundamentally different for the platform host. But, from a client system perspective, the change is limited to whether or not the values that the client application supplies for the unique IDs are validated against an external system. In some scenarios, the client could conceivably be responsible for assigning the unique ID value, but exactly how that value should be derived should be agreed upon with the host.
The IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper
interface enables the API to use the supplied unique ID value to resolve and assign the resource identifier (Id
) property of the person entity appropriately. Implicit in that interaction with the external system is a validation that the supplied unique ID already exists.
public interface IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper { PersonIdentifiersValueMap GetId(string personType, string uniqueId); PersonIdentifiersValueMap GetUniqueId(string personType, Guid id); } public class PersonIdentifiersValueMap { public int Usi { get; set; } public Guid Id { get; set; } public string UniqueId { get; set; } } |
The personType argument in the two methods defined by the interface will contain one of the following values upon invocation: Student, Staff, or Parent. In some integrations, this distinction may not be relevant and the argument can be ignored.
Upon return, the PersonIdentifiersValueMap
's Usi
property is not used and can be left as the default value (0).
The unique ID system integration feature is enabled using the ApiSettings:Features:UniqueIdValidation configuration setting in the appsettings.json file of the EdFi.Ods.WebApi project. While this registers and configures all the supporting components for performing unique ID validation, the custom implementation of the IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper
will still need to be registered with the container. To register custom implementation, add registration to ApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations method in the UniqueIdIntegrationModule
class as shown below:
namespace EdFi.Ods.Features.Container.Modules { public class UniqueIdIntegrationModule : ConditionalModule { ... public override void ApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations(ContainerBuilder builder) { ... //Add registration of custom implementation builder.RegisterType<My.Custom.UniqueIdToIdValueMapper>() .As<IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper>() .SingleInstance() } } } |
Sample custom implementation could be:
public class My.Custom.UniqueIdToIdValueMapper : IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper { public PersonIdentifiersValueMap GetId(string personType, string uniqueId) { return Get(personType, uniqueId); } public PersonIdentifiersValueMap GetUniqueId(string personType, Guid id) { return Get(personType, id); } private PersonIdentifiersValueMap Get(string personTypeName, string uniqueId) { var results = new PersonIdentifiersValueMap { UniqueId = uniqueId }; ValidatePersonType(personTypeName); using (var db = new UniqueIdIntegrationContext()) { var uniqueIdMapping = db.UniqueIdPersonMappings.FirstOrDefault(mapping => mapping.UniqueId == uniqueId); if (uniqueIdMapping == null) return results; results.Id = uniqueIdMapping.Id; } return results; } private PersonIdentifiersValueMap Get(string personTypeName, Guid id) { var results = new PersonIdentifiersValueMap { Id = id }; ValidatePersonType(personTypeName); using (var db = new UniqueIdIntegrationContext()) { var uniqueIdMapping = db.UniqueIdPersonMappings.FirstOrDefault(mapping => mapping.Id == id); if (uniqueIdMapping == null) return results; results.UniqueId = uniqueIdMapping.UniqueId; } return results; } private static void ValidatePersonType(string personTypeName) { if (!PersonEntitySpecification.IsPersonEntity(personTypeName)) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Invalid person type '{0}'. Valid person types are: {1}", personTypeName, "'" + String.Join("','", PersonEntitySpecification.ValidPersonTypes) + "'")); } } public class UniqueIdIntegrationContext : System.Data.Entity.DbContext { public UniqueIdIntegrationContext(string connectionString) : base(connectionString) { } public UniqueIdIntegrationContext() : base() { } public DbSet<UniqueIdPersonMapping> UniqueIdPersonMappings { get; set; } } public class UniqueIdPersonMapping { [Key] public Guid Id { get; set; } [StringLength(32)] public string UniqueId { get; set; } } |
This approach resolves supplied unique ID values to resource identifier (Id
) records in the ODS using UniqueIdPersonMapping table:
-- IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'uid')) BEGIN EXEC ('CREATE SCHEMA [uid] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]') END GO CREATE TABLE [uid].UniqueIdPersonMapping ( Id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, UniqueId nvarchar(32) NOT NULL, ); GO ALTER TABLE [uid].UniqueIdPersonMapping ADD CONSTRAINT PK_UniqueIdMapping PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (Id); ALTER TABLE [uid].UniqueIdPersonMapping ADD CONSTRAINT UI_UniqueIdPersonMapping_UniqueId UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (UniqueId); GO |
The UniqueIdIntegrationModule
class makes the necessary modifications to adjust the API to operate in an integrated fashion with the external Unique ID system. Specifically, that installer performs the following tasks:
so that IDs and Unique IDs can be retrieved from the external system.IPersonUniqueIdToIdCache
with an implementation that caches the UniqueId
mappings and calls the value mapper only when needed (for performance reasons).IPutPipelineStepsProvider
which inserts a PopulateIdFromUniqueIdOnPeople
step in the processing of all PUT/POST requests just prior to persisting the entity model. This step only engages on person-type entities, but then it looks for an uninitialized Id
property on the entity and calls the aforementioned IPersonUniqueIdCache
to obtain the corresponding Id
for the supplied UniqueId
value. It then marks this Id
as server-assigned to allow the API to create the resource if needed. (This is because v3.x of the Ed-Fi ODS / API no longer allows clients to assign IDs — they are now either assigned via UniqueId integration or they are initialized automatically during NHibernate persistence).EnsureUniqueIdAlreadyExistsEntityValidator
. This validator relies on the presence of the PopulateIdFromUniqueIdOnPeople step (which ensures the Id
property is properly initialized even if the entity hasn't been persisted yet). When UniqueId integration is configured, if the Id
hasn't been assigned by the time the entity is being validated (just prior to NHibernate persistence), then it is an indication that the UniqueId could not be resolved in the PopulateIdFromUniqueIdOnPeople step and a validation error is raised.UniqueIdNotChangedEntityValidator
. This validator also relies on the presence of the PopulateIdFromUniqueIdOnPeople
step (which ensures the Id
property has a relevant value before the entity is persisted the first time), and looks up the UniqueId
using the IPersonUniqueIdCache
. The UniqueId
value returned from the cache should match the value actually assigned on the incoming entity. If it doesn't match, it indicates that the client is effectively trying to change the UniqueId
value (through a PUT request), and a validation error is raised.Integrating your unique ID system with the Ed-Fi ODS / API requires a custom implementation of the IIdentityService
interface. When properly registered, this code is called for each of the /identities
API calls received by the Ed-Fi ODS / API.
The EdFi.Ods.Features.IdentityManagement project contains the definitions for all artifacts (e.g., interfaces, requests, responses) related to identity management integration. The placeholder implementation of the IIdentityService
interface is located in the EdFi.Ods.Features project in the EdFi.Ods.Features.IdentityManagement namespace.
public interface IIdentityService { IdentityServiceCapabilities IdentityServiceCapabilities { get; } Task<IdentityResponseStatus<string>> Create( IdentityCreateRequest createRequest); Task<IdentityResponseStatus<IdentitySearchResponse>> Find( params string[] findRequest); Task<IdentityResponseStatus<IdentitySearchResponse>> Search( params IdentitySearchRequest[] searchRequest); } |
The identities are represented by the IdentityResponse
class, as follows:
public class IdentityResponse : Expando { public string UniqueId { get; set; } public decimal Score { get; set; } public string LastSurname { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string MiddleName { get; set; } public string GenerationCodeSuffix { get; set; } public string SexType { get; set; } public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; } public int? BirthOrder { get; set; } public Location BirthLocation { get; set; } } |
Member | Description |
UniqueId | The human-readable unique identifier for the person. While the UniqueId is represented as a string in the interface, the Ed-Fi ODS Database limits the length of the UniqueId to 32 characters. |
Score | A number indicating the level of confidence with the provided match. Higher numbers are more confident. Some systems use the number of standard deviations from normal (sigma) and others use a 0 to 100 scale. In other systems, the number is relative to the result set provided and has no relevance outside of one query. This is an implementation-specific detail that would be relayed to a human user of the system for resolution. |
LastSurname | A space-delimited list of all the family names associated with a person. In some Hispanic and other traditions this may be both parents' surnames (e.g., Hermanez Gonzalez). In some Asian and other traditions, the surname may be provided first for each child. |
FirstName | The person's given first name. |
MiddleName | The person's given middle name, if available. |
GenerationCodeSuffix | The suffix applied to the person's name (e.g., Jr., III, Esquire). |
SexType | The natural sex of the person at the time of their birth. |
BirthDate | The date on which the person was born. |
BirthOrder | The birth order, if known, among the person's sibling group. |
BirthLocation | The details on the location where the person was born (city, state / province, and country). |
Dynamic Members | An optional set of additional data defined by the external unique ID system, and made available through the Ed-Fi identities API. This could contain a list of third-party identifiers (e.g., local education organization identifiers, driver's license, teaching certificate number) that could be used to further distinguish a person. These additional identifiers should only be stored if they are used as a matching criteria by the native unique ID system. |
The identity management feature is enabled using the "ApiSettings:Features:IdentityManagement" configuration setting in the appsettings.json file of the EdFi.Ods.WebApi project. While this registers and configures all the supporting components for the API endpoints, the custom implementation of the IIdentityService
will need to be registered with the container separately.
using Autofac; using EdFi.Common.Configuration; using EdFi.Ods.Common.Configuration; using EdFi.Ods.Common.Container; using My.Custom.IdentityService namespace EdFi.Ods.Features.Container.Modules { public class IdentityModule : ConditionalModule { public IdentityModule(ApiSettings apiSettings) : base(apiSettings, nameof(IdentityModule)) { } public override bool IsSelected() => IsFeatureEnabled(ApiFeature.UniqueIdValidation); public override void ApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations(ContainerBuilder builder) { // Register your implementation builder.RegisterType<IdentityService>().As<IIdentityService>(); } } } |