This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


API Documentation - ODS / API v2.0

Previous Version

This is a previous version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API. Visit the Ed-Fi Tech Docs home page for a link to the current version, or the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for links to all versions. 


The Ed-Fi ODS / API enables applications to read and write education data stored in an Ed-Fi ODS through a secure REST interface. The REST interface to the Ed-Fi ODS / API exposes metadata describing the exposed resources as well as the inputs, HTTP verbs, and schema of the exposed entities. This metadata enables a user interface (based on the Swagger framework) to display API documentation.

The documentation pages also provide a means to interact with a sandbox version of the ODS using the API, which allows developers to experiment with API calls and to view responses in a test environment.  

Figure. Screen capture of the API documentation interface


The following link takes you to detailed documentation for the Ed-Fi ODS / API REST Interface:

Ed-Fi ODS / API REST API Reference Documentation