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titleKey Concepts
  • The Ed-Fi ODS/API platform contains a system for extending APIs.


Extensibility is a power that is not to be used lightly. Used incorrectly, extensibility is a means of fragmenting the ecosystem in ways that harm the overall goal of interoperability. But handled correctly as a community, customization is an opportunity for further exploration and evolution of the Ed-Fi Data Standard. 

Extensibility in Ed-Fi ODS/API




There are two cases for extensibility: an existing API resource can be extended, or an entirely new API resource can be introduced.

Extensions on an existing entity

In Ed-Fi ODS/API Suite 3Platform, extended elements appear in API resources in an "_ext" object at the root of the JSON for the API resource. Further, extensions are namespaced to provide some indication of their provenance.


The other extension pattern in the ODS/API is when a new API resource is introduced. In this case, the API resource is also namespaced, but the namespace appears on the path rather than in the JSON.
