Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Environment: OnPrem

Admin App Version: >= 2.2.0

Note: Admin App version 2.2+, the encryption and decryption operation are using AES algorithm. So, it is very uncommon to encounter the "key and secret cannot be used in that state" issue.

Uncommon cases:

  1. User missed to maintain/ retain the EncryptionKey while upgrading the application from version 2.2+ to latest version (Please find refer the documentation on upgrading Admin App here)
  2. Missing the encryption key on the appsettings.json after the first-time setup completed on Admin App 2.2+


If user is in any of the above-mentioned situation, please follow the following steps to recover the application and force the first-time setup on Admin App.

Steps for Recovering the Application on Shared Instance mode

1) Clear Configuration Parameters & Force Admin App's First-Time Setup

  1. Please make sure to stop ODS API and Admin App websites under IIS.
  2. Connect to SQL Server on SSMS.

  3. Select the EdFi_Admin database.

  4. Execute the following sql commands for clearing all the data records created during first time setup process.

    Code Block
    titleVoid first time setup updates
    DECLARE @ApplicationId INT;
    SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.Applications WHERE ClaimSetName = 'Ed-Fi ODS Admin App'
    DELETE FROM dbo.ClientAccessTokens WHERE EXISTS (
            SELECT 1 FROM dbo.ApiClients
            WHERE ClientAccessTokens.ApiClient_ApiClientId = ApiClients.ApiClientId
            AND Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        DELETE FROM dbo.ApiClients WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        DELETE FROM dbo.ApplicationEducationOrganizations WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        DELETE FROM dbo.ProfileApplications WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId
        DELETE FROM dbo.Applications WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId    
        DELETE FROM adminapp.SecretConfigurations
    	DELETE FROM [EdFi_Admin].[adminapp].[OdsInstanceRegistrations]
    	UPDATE dbo.Applications set OdsInstance_OdsInstanceId = null  -- making sure to remove the foreign key constrain 
    	UPDATE [EdFi_Admin].[adminapp].[ApplicationConfigurations] SET FirstTimeSetUpCompleted = 0 
    	DELETE FROM dbo.OdsInstances

  5. Once successfully executing executed the above mentioned SQL script, please restart the Admin App website under IIS

  6. Now browsing the Admin App will take user to the first time setup page
  7. For recovering already created vendor applications on Admin App, user needs to manually update OdsInstance_OdsInstanceId column on dbo.Applications table to have default Ods instance id. On SharedInstance mode will be having only one OdsInstance on dbo.OdsInstances table.

    Code Block
    titleUpdate Applications
    DECLARE @odsinstanceid INT
    SELECT TOP 1 @odsinstanceid = OdsInstanceId FROM [dbo].[OdsInstances]
    Update [EdFi_Admin].[dbo].[Applications] set OdsInstance_OdsInstanceId = @odsinstanceid where OdsInstance_OdsInstanceId is null


Environment: Azure

Admin App Version: < 2.2.0


The application deployed and First-Time setup was successful, however you are unable to proceed further with the Admin App settings page or you get an error message saying that the key and secret can not be used in that state.


Admin App secret configuration and/or Azure SQL configuration values became corrupted for whatever reason.

Steps for Recovering the Application

1) Clear Configuration Parameters & Force Admin App's First-Time Setup

On this step, we need to clear all the data records created during first time setup.


     5. Once the SQL commands executed successfully. Please start the ODS API and Admin App websites under IIS or within the Azure portal App Service. 

2) Update the Admin App Configuration Parameters

There is a table in the EdFi_Admin database called adminapp.AzureSqlConfigurations. This table holds the encrypted configuration parameters used by the admin app.


Code Block
UPDATE adminapp.AzureSqlConfigurations set field='{"AdminCredentials":{"Password":"PW Specified in Deployment Script","UserName":"SERVER Master UN"},"HostName":"","ProductionApiCredentials":{"Password":"Enter PW","UserName":"EdFiOdsProductionApi"},"AdminAppCredentials":{"Password":"","UserName":"EdFiOdsAdminApp"}}' WHERE Id=1;

3) Update Admin App web site on IIS or Azure

Note: That older versions of Admin app need the presence of “SetupRequired” file. This indicates to the first time setup process that it has not run. If the file not present, this means that the first-time setup was completed. Recreating the file will enforce the First time setup process to run again.



If you have any questions on how to connect to the EdFi-Admin database please refer to this articles below:
