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Customizing Startup

To create a custom startup class, inherit from Startup.cs. Override the method EnsureAssembliesLoaded() and add the assemblies that are necessary for the implementation. Note: the EnsureAssmebliesLoaded() method validates that the assemblies are loaded in the app domain, and it does not actually load the specific assembly into the app domain. Add the assembly reference for the Owin startup. 

The example below includes the enrollment composite, Grand Bend extensions, and sample extensions:

Code Block
using EdFi.Ods.Api.BulkLoad; using EdFi.Ods.Common.Extensions; using EdFi.Ods.Composites.Enrollment; using EdFi.Ods.Extensions.TPDM; using EdFi.Ods.Extensions.Sample; using EdFi.Ods.WebApi.Startup; using Microsoft.Owin; [assembly: OwinStartup("Startup", typeof(ApiStartup))] namespace EdFi.Ods.WebApi.Startup

The Ed-Fi ODS / API comes with a set of configurable features that can be enabled or disabled using configuration settings in deployed API. Additional custom features could be implemented by following the steps outlined here: 

Step 1. Create a Service 

Code Block
namespace EdFi.Ods.Services
    public class ApiStartupTestService : Api.Startup.StartupITestService
        protected override		public void EnsureAssembliesLoadedDoSomething()

Adding a Feature

Features are new components for the system. It is recommended that a feature be implemented in its own assembly and then referenced into the web project.

Step 1. Create a New Assembly for the Feature

1.a) Install the following packages:



1.b) Reference the following projects:




Step 2. Add a New Feature Class

Implement IFeature from EdFi.Ods.Common. Add the Windsor Installer for the feature.

Step 2. Add a New Autofac Module Class

2a.  Inherit from ConditionalModule in EdFi.Ods.Common.

2b. Override IsSelected method

2c. Override ApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations method

Code Block
using System.Collections.GenericAutofac;
using CastleEdFi.MicroKernelCommon.RegistrationConfiguration;
using EdFi.Ods.Common;

namespace EdFi.Ods.TestFeature
    public class TestFeature : IFeature
        public IList<IWindsorInstaller> Installers() => new List<IWindsorInstaller>( { new TestFeatureInstaller() });

        public bool IsEnabled() => true;

Note: To set up your feature to be enabled or disabled in the app settings, inherit from ConfigurationBasedFeature and set the feature name, which will be a key for the feature in the configuration file (e.g., <add key="testFeature:featureIsEnabled" value="true"/>). Add the Windsor Installer for the feature.

Code Block
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using EdFi.Ods.Common.Container;
using EdFi.Ods.Common.ConfigurationTestService;

namespace EdFi.Ods.Features.Container.TestFeatureModules
    public class TestFeatureTestModule : ConfigurationBasedFeatureConditionalModule 
        		public TestFeatureTestModule(IConfigValueProviderApiSettings configValueProviderapiSettings)             : base(configValueProviderapiSettings, nameof(TestModule)) { }

        protected override string FeatureName => "TestFeature";	          public override IList<IWindsorInstaller>bool InstallersIsSelected() => new List<IWindsorInstaller>( { new TestFeatureInstaller() });

Step 3. Create the Windsor Installer for the Feature

Code Block
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Configuration;
using Castle.Windsor;

namespace EdFi.Ods.TestFeature

        public class TestFeatureInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
        publicoverride void InstallApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore storeContainerBuilder builder)
            			// TODO add components to register.




Modify WindsorContainerBuilder 

Add the feature to the container builder. 

Code Block private void InstallCoreFeatures(IWindsorContainer container) { // Install the feature provider into the container. container.Register( Component.For<IFeature>().ImplementedBy<RequiredApiStartupFeature>(),

Add Configuration Setting in appsettings.json in EdFi.Ods.WebApi Project

Code Block
  "Features": [
         Component.For<IFeature>().ImplementedBy<ChangeQueriesFeature>()"Name": "TestService",
        "IsEnabled": true

Miscellaneous Notes

When building a feature that requires a controller, implement the following interfaces: IRouteConfiguration and IOpenApiMetadataRouteConfiguration for setting up the routes, plus IOpenApiContentProvider for defining OpenApiMetadata. These interfaces are specific to using the feature within the ODS / API and is necessary for the controller. These interfaces are then registered within the installer.
