Representation | First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Co-Chairs | Noah | Bookman | Education Analytics | Sherod | Keen | NEFEC |
Ed-Fi Alliance Liaison | Lyria | Zeh | MSDF |
Members | Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance | Josh | Allen | Denver Public Schools and Charters | Dirk | Bradley | Michigan DataHub | Taylor | Brown | NEFEC | Kevin | Bullard | Michigan DataHub | Sean | Casey | Ed-Fi Alliance | Nick | Cheng | Dept. of Defense Education Agency | Julia | Cook | MOREnet | Matthew | Criscenzo | INsite | Don | Dailey | MAISA | Rosh | Dhanawade | Education Analytics | Michelle | Farell | Ed-Fi Alliance | Jake | Firman | DSST Public Schools | Don | Ginder | NewLeef LLC | Monica | Hogan | Boston Public Schools, MA | Daniel | Hornsby | FLCODE | Jerry | Lashley | Texas Education Service Centers - Region 4 | Scott | Lipton | The Holdsworth Center | June | Marcel | Colorado Rural Education Collaborative | Happy | Miller | New Mexico Collaborative | Jeff | Miller | SC DDGG | Michael | Minuto | MSDF | Ivan | Moore | MOREnet | Nandu | Nair | Walla Walla Public Schools | Nicole | Page | NRP Consulting | Jeff | Pendill | Texas Education Service Center - Region 10 | Andrew | Rice | Core Districts | Eric | Rindal | Walla Walla Public Schools | Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance | Molly | Stewart | INsite | Leslie | Taylor | Education Nexus Oregon | Lalanthika | Vasudevan | Core Districts | Adam | Warner | Texas Education Service Center - Region 10 | Michael | Watson | NOLA Public Schools | John | Watson | San Diego County Office of Education | Maureen | Wentworth | Ed-Fi Alliance | Don | Wolff | Portland Public Schools, OR | Chris | Yaeger | MOREnet |
Facilitator & Support | Nancy | Wilson | Collaboration Synergy | Ann | Su | Ed-Fi Governance Coordinator |