Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Description | Request Schema | Response Schema (Success) |
v2/claimSets | | Retrieves all claimsets | - | [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"_isSystemReserved": true,
"_applications": []
] |
v2/claimSets | | Creates a new claimset. | { "name": "string"} | HTTP response as documented below
v2/claimSets/{id} | | Retrieves a specific claimset by id | - | {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"_isSystemReserved": false,
"_applications": [],
"resourceClaims": [
{ "id": "string", "name": "string", "actions": [ { "name": "string", "enabled": true } ],
"_defaultAuthorizationStrategies": [
{ "actionId": 0, "actionName": string,
"authorizationStrategies": [ { "authStrategyId: 0, "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true }]
"authorizationStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [
{ "actionId": 0, "actionName": string, "authorizationStrategies": [ { "authStrategyId: 0, "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true }]
"children": [
"list of resource claims"
} |
v2/claimSets/{id} | | Update the claim set name. | { "name": "string" } | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{id} | | Deletes a claimset by id | - | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{claimSetId}/resourceClaimActions | | Add resourceclaimaction association to claim set. At least one action should be enabled. Valid actions are read, create, update, delete, readchanges. resouceclaimId is required fields.
| { "resouceclaimId" : 0, "resourceClaimActions": [ { "name": "string", "enabled": true } ] } | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{claimSetId}/ resourceClaimActions/{resourceClaimId}
| | Updates the resourceclaimActions to a specific resource claim on a claimset. At least one action should be enabled. Valid actions are read, create, update, delete, readchanges. | { "resourceClaimActions": [ { "name": "string", "enabled": true } ] } | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{claimSetId}/resourceClaimActions/ {resourceClaimId}/overrideAuthorizationStrategy
| | Override the default authorization strategies on provided resource claim for a specific action. ex: actionName = read, authorizationStrategies= [ "Ownershipbased" ] | { "actionName": string, "authorizationStrategies: [] } | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{claimSetId}/resourceClaimActions/ {resourceClaimId}/resetAuthorizationStrategies
| | Reset to default authorization strategies on provided resource claim. | - | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{claimSetId}/ resourceClaimActions/{resourceClaimId} | | Deletes a resource claims association from a claim set | - | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/copy | | Copy the existing claimset and create new. | { "originalId": 0, "name": "string" } | HTTP response as documented below
v2/claimSets/import | | Import new claimset | {
"name": "string",
"resourceClaims": [
"name": "string", "actions": [ { "name": "read", "enabled": true }, { "name": "create", "enabled": true }, { "name": "update", "enabled": true }, { "name": "delete", "enabled": true }, { "name": "readChanges", "enabled": true } ], "authorizationStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [
{ "actionName": string,
"authorizationStrategies": []
"children": [
"list of resource claims"
} | HTTP response as documented below |
v2/claimSets/{id}/export | | Retrieves a specific claimset by id | - | { "id": 0, "name": "string", "_isSystemReserved": false, "_applications": [], "resourceClaims": [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "actions": [ { "name": "read", "enabled": true }, { "name": "create", "enabled": true }, { "name": "update", "enabled": true }, { "name": "delete", "enabled": true }, { "name": "readChanges", "enabled": true } ], "_defaultAuthorizationStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "actionId": 0, "actionName": string, "authorizationStrategies": [ { "authStrategyId: 0, "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true }] } ], "authorizationStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "actionId": 0, "actionName": string, "authorizationStrategies": [ { "authStrategyId: 0, "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true }] } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } |