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nameNew State SIG Slide Desk 2024_07_23.pptx

Agenda and Notes

  • SEAs Invest in Adequate ODS Validation Tools

    • New Mexico provided challenges faced with data validation and lessons learned

      • Went into Production in 23-24 for Ed-Fi state reporting process

      • Lessons learned

        • Communicate with LEA that validation can be done daily

        • Help LEA learn/migrate from csv to JSON format for submission

    • 3 different tools for data validation

    • Move validation function earlier in data collection process

    • Provide data portal to LEA

    • Vermont • we use a percent change check, even before edfi, which not only identifies the count, but tells you were it is very different than the year before (10% changes triggers the validation, like edfi criteria) 

    • Typical recommended flow - Wisconsin example

    • Vermont • I am not sure that our organization would be prepared for 15 minute data update interval, but maybe likie you said it is about expereince with the edfi tools. 

      • Kathleen - find what works best for you. For the first live submission, recommend at least on a daily basis.

    • Make sure each vendor has adequate documentation and training for LEA

    • Vermont - API errors are great examples but easier to catch. In VT, it becomes any of the subset data validation. We have a 2nd level validation to identify missing data.

      • Kathleen - e.g. no attendance data for a whole school year

    • Utah - It’s a little different, for Finance side

      • Validation happens in local accounts - has to be a USB account

      • Kathleen - don’t overlook missing data; important to look during Pilot for first set of LEAs. Check with LEA amount of data sent.

      • Vermont - are they in a separate system for the local level?

        • Utah - we are enabling API to accept throughout the year, but mandate annual budget submission in July

        • Utah - we match legacy platform (csv file) against production database to identify any data gaps

    • TechDocs article on data validation

    • Vermont • I think the Data Validation topic is on point for where Vermont is currently at. 

    • Guidelines and Expectations for States Using Ed-Fi Standards - Ed-Fi Training - Ed-Fi TechDocs (

      • Benefits for aligning to the data standards

      • Looking for feedbacks for this article

  • State Status
