Ed-Fi adopters may choose "Year-Specific" configuration within their ODS environments to partition data per-year within a SQL Server instance. Beginning with Admin App 1.6, year-specific mode is supported and configuration instructions are below. For more information on enabling year-specific mode for the Ed-Fi ODS / API platform, please see: /wiki/spaces/ODSAPI32/pages/27099724.
Use this checklist and the details below to modify your ODS and Admin App to run in Year-Specific mode
- ODS API: configure the ODS API Web.config for YearSpecific startup
- ODS SwaggerUI: configure the swagger.webApiMetadataUrl to contain the configured year. For example, http://localhost:54746/metadata/{year}/
- ODS Database: Rename the EdFi_Ods database to EdFi_Ods_2019
- Admin App: update database value in EdFi_Ods_Production connectionString
- Admin App: enable and configure year specific app settings yearSpecific:isEnabled and yearSpecific:year