Versions Compared


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  1. Move hard-coded values to a "Constants" table.
  2. Create mapping tables that link Descriptors or Types to Constants.
  3. Modify all views as needed to join to the Constants and new mapping tables.

titleList of Descriptor and Type Constants...

AddressType.Home Looking up ContactPerson's Home address
AddressType.Mailing Looking up ContactPerson's Mailing address
AddressType.Physical Looking up ContactPerson's Physical address
AddressType.TemporaryLooking up ContactPerson's Temporary address
AddressType.Work Looking up ContactPerson's Work address

Looking up StudentAbsenceEvents that should be treated as "Absent" in an Early Warning System. Example descriptor values to map might be "Excused Absence" and "Unexcused Absence."

As another example, if a Field Trip absence event should be treated as an absence from school for the purpose of Early Warning, then one would also map the descriptor for "Field Trip" to the constant "Descriptor.Absent".

Descriptor.TardyLooks up StudentAbsenceEvents that should be treated as "Tardy".

Determines if a calendar date is an instructional day that should be used in calculating attendance rates.

The Ed-Fi default template mapping would use both the "Instructional Day" and "Make Up Day" descriptors.

EmailType.Home/Personal Looking up ContactPerson's home or personal e-mail address.
EmailType.WorkLooking up ContactPerson's work e-mail address.  
FoodServicesDescriptor.FullPriceDetermines if a student is eligible for school food service.
GradeType.Grading PeriodLooking up the Grade records by the most granular period, which by default is "Grading Period". Some implementations might instead use terms like "Quarter" or "Six Weeks".
TelephoneNumberType.HomeLooking up ContactPerson's Home phone number.
TelephoneNumberType.MobileLooking up ContactPerson's Mobile phone number.
TelephoneNumberType.WorkLooking up ContactPerson's Work phone number.


In Version 1.x, the StudentEarlyWarningFact view reports on absences, looking for StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent  records with attendance descriptor values of either "Excused Absence" or "Unexcused Absence".


Those who install the Analytics Middle Tier will need to carefully assess their Descriptors and Types, and then manage the DescriptorMap table (and TypeMap , for Data Standard 2) accordingly. The release notes for 2.0 will contain provide a script that maps the default Ed-Fi Descriptors and Types as a starting point.The default set of mappings, when using the out-of-the-box Ed-Fi template descriptors, would be: