Versions Compared


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Comment: typo in examples


Roadrunner Beta 1 is now available!

  • Data Standard 3.1
    • (warning) Data Standard 3.2 will be the goal for the full release.
  • Support for both SQL Server and PostgreSQL.
  • Deliver is via NuGet package.
  • Admin App is not ready.
  • Backdoor SQL script for creating key & secret .attached below.
  • There are known bugs.

Testers needed! Especially those who can point an application at the Roadrunner API instance and see what happens with a realistic sequence of API calls.

Table of Contents



Installs the Admin, ODS, and Security databases into either PostgreSQL or SQL Server. It then reconfigures the web.config files for Swagger and Web API (both optional) to include the correct configuration for the environment. Finally, loads the bulk console into a destination dir. 

The $useTemplates  flag is currently only available for PostgreSQL. When used, you must have psql  executable in the execution path.


Code Block
Initialize-Environment [[-swaggerIisFolder] <String>] [[-webApiBaseUrl] <String>] [[-webApiIisFolder] <String>] [[-apiBulkFolder] <String>] [-engine] <String> [-databaseServer] <String> [[-databasePort] <String>] [[-databaseUser] <String>] [[-databasePassword] <String>] [-useIntegratedSecurity] [[-adminDatabaseName] <String>] [[-odsDatabaseName] <String>] [[-securityDatabaseName] <String>] [-useTemplates] [[-odsTemplate] <String>] [-noDuration] [-dropDatabases] [<CommonParameters>]


Code Block
$parameters = @{ 
	engine = "postgresql"
	databaseServer = "myserver"
	databaseUser = "postgres" 
 .\Initialize-Environment.psm1ps1 @parameters

Only install databases on PostgreSQL, using templates (populated ODS).

Code Block
$parameters = @{ 
	engine = "postgresql" 
	databaseServer = "myserver" 
	databaseUser = "postgres" 
	useTemplates = $true 
	odsTemplate = "populated" 
.\Initialize-Environment.psm1ps1 @parameters

Only install databases on PostgreSQL, dropping existing database first.

Code Block
$parameters = @{ 
	engine = "postgresql" 
	databaseServer = "myserver" 
	databaseUser = "postgres" 
	dropDatabases = $true 
.\Initialize-Environment.psm1ps1 @parameters

Install databases on SQL Server, with alternate port 1450, and deploy the Web API.

Code Block
$parameters = @{ 
	engine = "sqlserver"
	databaseServer = "myserver"
	databasePort = 1450
	useIntegratedSecurity = $true
	dropDatabases = $true
	webApiIisFolder = "c:\inetpub\ed-fi\webapi"
.\Initialize-Environment.psm1ps1 @parameters

Install on SQL Server, override the default database, and deploy both the Web API and Swagger UI.

Code Block
$parameters = @{ 
	engine = "sqlserver"
	databaseServer = "myserver"
	databasePort = 1450
	useIntegratedSecurity = $true
	dropDatabases = $true
	webApiIisFolder = "c:\inetpub\ed-fi\webapi"
	swaggerIisFolder = "c:\inetpub\ed-fi\swagger"
	admindatabase = "edfi_admin_rr"
	odsdatabase = "edfi_ods_rr"
	securitydatabase = "edfi_security_rr"
.\Initialize-Environment.psm1ps1 @parameters


