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First NameLast NameOrganization
FuatAkiTexas Education Agency
BrittoAugustineArizona Department of Education
JillAurandNebraska Department of Education
AaronBrownSouth Carolina Department of Education
RohithChintamaneniArizona Department of Education
SwethaChinthapallySouth Carolina Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
JenniferDuganMinnesota DOE
KenFettigNorth Dakota Information Technology Department
AmyGreenlyDelaware DOE
JoleenGrossNorth Dakota Information Technology Department
ScottKuykendallDelaware DOE
KarenMilletteMinnesota DOE
LathaRamasamyTennessee Department of Education
JohnRaubWisconsin DPI
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
LeanneSimonsTexas Education Agency
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
RickThompsonSouth Carolina Deparment of Education
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance


Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support


The meeting was held on 2021-03-04, 10:00 pm am - 11:00 am CT, via WebEx

Agenda/Meeting Notes

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Ed-Fi Intellectual Property disclosure
  • Edi-Fi Governance Structure and SEA Work Group Goals
    • Flow of ideas to an RFC
    • Flow from RFC to Standard
  • WI Assessment Roster Work - presented by John Raub
    • The Model - see meeting PPT
    • Status of the Work with ACT - close to being ready.  ACT is working with WI  to run a simulation of reading the roster via the newly created AssessmentAdministration and StudentAssessmentRegistration API endpoints.
    • Timeline - run side by side parallel simulation with production data and a lot of testing; round two will be parallel simulation as well 
    • Every night, WI DPI runs a process to populate the student assessment registration data; ACT is nightly pulling that into their exchange
    • Idea is the assessment administration is who owns the administration of a particular assessment; for example WI has a contract with ACT to deliver the assessment to all 11th graders statewide; ACT will read which schools/districts are participating; which students are going to be taking the test and this data is loaded every night.
    • Should be flexible enough to meet a number of use cases.
    • ACT can populate the assessment and assessment administration metadata, but for now WI is seeding that data.
    • AssessmentAdminstrationContact - Could be district or school contact (re organization) - identified separately so ACT does not have to filter through schools to see which students are in eleventh grade.
    • WI is not using the customization values at this time due to additional specific requirements but can be modeled for other assessment rosters in the future. Could be state, district or school specific. 
    • Re sharing on Exchange - original work was published on the Assessemnt-Roster-Extension - and then had to branch for WI work. Sayee will share the link.
    • Delaware is working with a sandbox “Proof of Concept” with Pearson as a state implementation using fake data and would like to incorporate the rostering model. 
    • Indiana is interested in how WI is handling accommodations - is it part of registration or customization values? WI: Yes that is the plan but are not yet using it. Would be negotiated with a specific vendor what the codes and values would be. Per Sayee can expand the model to have separate accommodations but Indiana thinks the WI approach will be sufficient. 
    • It looks like some states have a need to send accommodation information as part of the roster.  The StudentAssessment entity which holds the outcomes has the accommodation that comes back from assessment vendor.  
    • Minnesota will look at what they are currently doing with Pearson - would have to have subject, grade and accommodation. May need more data with accommodations to send to vendors. Question: Would need separate accommodation records for ELA and Math assessment (ie accommodations are subject specific). Response - no, designed as one record and not separate in ELA and Math.
    • Minnesota: we need three separate records (for accommodations) - Reading, math and science. 
    • Sayee has requested additional information from Indiana and Minnesota on accommodations. 
    • South Carolina does this in a similar manner sending the accommodations’ data to vendors and needs to be able to send and receive under Ed-Fi.
  • NE Assessment Roster Requirements
    • Looking at what they can leverage from WI’s work
    • Want to roster out of the ODS; currently since different staff need access to different students’ outcomes data like Counselors or Football Coach needing to have access to their student assessment results data - NE want to use the existing ODS core fields and use the assessment roster extensions and have available through vendor; could a cohort be created with various staff members having access to it (would need multiple cohorts); will use the studentsectionassociation for the actual teachers to have access to student data but this will not work for other staff members who are outside the section to give them access to their list of students - currently those staff do not have any access; would require districts to identify those additional staff and get them into the ODS -- Texas did this as part of student transportation dashboard which has been discontinued but may have guidance on how to set up those cohorts; Delaware has counselors and activities with Powerschool Eschool plus data being used in a cohort manner
    • Jill will approach vendors to see what it takes to implement this cohorts - may need to talk with SIS and assessment vendors
    • Per Delware (Scott) There are some attributes on Cohort- CohortTypeDescriptor, CohortScopeDescritpor, AcademicSubjectDescriptor
