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Table of Contents

Sample Course Transcript Mapping

The following is a sample course transcript and mappings to the Ed-Fi data model. Each circled number corresponds to an element in the Ed-Fi Data Standard noted below.

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  1. Student → Student.FirstName and Student.LastName
  2. Street Address → StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationAddress.StreetNumberName
  3. City/State/ZIP → StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationAddress.City, StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationAddress.StateAbbreviationDescriptor, and StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationAddress.PostalCode
  4. Phone → StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationTelephoneNumber.TelephoneNumber
  5. Date of Birth → Student.BirthData.BirthDate
  6. Place of Birth → Student.BirthData.BirthCity
  7. Gender → StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation.SexDescriptor
  8. Credits Earned → StudentAcademicRecord.CumulativeEarnedCredits.Credits Earned → 
  9. Weighted GPA → 
  10. Unweighted GPA → 
  11. School Year → 
  12. Semester → 
  13. Course → 
  14. Weighted GPA → StudentAcademicRecord.GradePointAverage.GradePointAverageValue with StudentAcademicRecord.GradePointAverage.GradePointAverageTypeDescriptor = 'Weighted'
  15. Unweighted GPA → StudentAcademicRecord.GradePointAverage.GradePointAverageValue with StudentAcademicRecord.GradePointAverage.GradePointAverageTypeDescriptor = 'Unweighted'
  16. School Year → StudentAcademicRecord.SchoolYear
  17. Semester → StudentAcademicRecord.TermDescriptor
  18. Course → CourseTranscript.CourseReference → Course.CourseCode
  19. Grade → 
  20. Credits → 
  21. GPA → 
  22. Cumulative GPA → 

Student Transcript Use Cases

Capturing Historical Records for Transfer Students

Often, when students transfer into a new school and/or district, they will have a history of completed courses from past grading periods and school years that need to be documented in the new district's SIS for earned credit. A common issue that arises when pulling this data into the ODS is the course records are associated with schools and districts that are not present in the new ODS. Therefore the required CourseCode and EducationOrganization references may be missing.

In this case, there are two recommended solutions:

  1. If credit is being given for a course taken in a previous school year, an equivalent course may be found in the current ODS and the Course Transcript record should include the equivalent CourseCode in the Course reference. The new district or school applying the credit would then become the EducationOrganization reference as it is the entity accepting those credits towards the student's transcript.
  2. Alternatively, the concept of "potentially logical" has been added to the model to denote when a reference may not be valid. In this instance, a CourseCode that does not necessarily exist in the Course records for the new ODS may be used to match the CourseCode on the student's transcript.

Ticket reference: 

  • Jira Legacy
    serverEd-Fi Issue Tracker

Capturing Course Transcript Data for a Course with Multiple Parts

Students who take multiple parts of the same course within the same term are unable to keep multiple transcript records because the data submissions would being overridden. This is a common use case for online schools that enroll students in multiple parts of the same course. These records will utilize the same CourseCode and TermType (e.g., "Year Round").

A long-term solution to this problem would be to pull in a Course's NumberOfParts to be part of the identity for Course. This would allow a course with multiple parts to record credits per part, even when those course parts fall within the same Session. This would be a breaking change to the model and so is not expected in the next Data Standard release.

In the interim, proposed workarounds for this issue are:

  1. When the issue is an online course that has a single "Year Round" Session, create more granular Session records that can "roll up" to the Year Round StudentAcademicRecord. In this instance, cumulative credits would be added to the Year Round StudentAcademicRecord and credits for individual course parts would be spread across Semesters, Grading Periods, Marking Periods, etc..
  2. Alternatively, if a student is truly enrolled in multiple parts of the same course at the same time (i.e., in the same more granular Session), the CourseTranscript could be used to only reference the credit-bearing course (i.e. the CourseCode for the LEA) for which the student received credits, and not the parts by which that course was satisfied. Those other parts might be captured elsewhere in the model as Sections.

Ticket references:

  • Jira Legacy
    serverEd-Fi Issue Tracker

  • Jira Legacy
    serverEd-Fi Issue Tracker

  • Jira Legacy
    serverEd-Fi Issue Tracker

  • Jira Legacy
    serverEd-Fi Issue Tracker