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Guidance Summary

  • Overall Status: Current.
  • Alliance Review: Alliance in agreement, SME consultations remaining. Outstanding question as to whether this guidance applies to SEAs and vendor solutions or is primarily for LEAs.
  • Governance Review: TAG in agreement.
  • Dissemination Status: Not common knowledge in the Ed-Fi Community. Tech Docs requires updates to promulgate this guidance. Some implementations do not adhere to this guidance.
  • Implementation Status: The Ed-Fi Platform supports this guidance, but offers alternative options without comment.


We believe an ODS lives within the context of a single school year. This leads us to recommend the Ed-Fi API mode, Year Specific, to LEAs implementing Ed-Fi. At the start of a school year, education organizations should start with a fresh ODS for the respective year. Running the API mode in Year Specific allows for multiple school years to be accessible via the API should historical data need to be updated. 

It is important to note that there will be times where historical data is stored in an ODS instance. For example, a school year 2022-2023 ODS will include all students with any enrollment for the respective year. It will also include all their historic course transcript grades from previous school years.

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